As a home seller, we wanted to sell as higher price as possible just like all sellers want. Jesse & his team listened carefully what we’ve done in the home and what we wanted. They guided us to make that happen, rather than pushing our expectations down that we saw when we interviewed other agents. They identified the unique points of our home and helped us to maximize the value of our house and it really happened! They knew what to emphasize to value high. There are so many things to do when selling a house, like cleaning, landscaping, pre-inspection, handyman work. Jesse coordinated all these things and gave us a list of things that we can do by ourselves too. All the things were done as scheduled and the selling process was so smooth.
Also he works with great contractors; stager worked so hard, real professional photographer (not a college student), awesome landscaper and nice handyman who I wish to have known them earlier. The Aqua Real Estate takes only 1% commission fee!